Review Requests

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The reason behind the questions 

What do you think is the best part of this book (ideas, storytelling, perfect spelling, awesome characters, etc.)
I ask this question because I enjoy seeing other people's perspectives, and reading a recommended book or a book that someone is just asking for a review for gives me a connection to the person and the book already established. It also gives me something to look forward to talking about the book in my reviews. Also, I love it when authors answer this question specifically because you're your own worst critic, when people really get into talking about this one part of the book that they love its the most energizing and motivational way to get into a book.

What made you decide I Ozzy was worthy of such an honor?
Some people don't understand this question, which is okay that's why I am explaining why I choose to write the questions out and explain my thinking process. Knowing why chose me gives me an insight into what I should be doing, if you like my writing then cool! I know I am on the right track, if you just like my philosophy or just want a review these are all good things to know.

10 Book Reviews Reviews Published Professional Reader