Tuesday, September 26, 2017

So its been a while

A lot of things have happened this summer, not all joyful, not any that I would discuss publicly either. Although as my faithful readers I do believe that telling you that, this summer and the lack of posts, all had their reasons. You can’t always do what you want, but when you can you should. Your kids grow up and are done with school? Kick them out and live your life, say hello to your neighbor. Stop by a family members house you hadn’t seen in a while, because one day you’re going to wish you did just that.
It’s hard to be an adult, it even harder to be a parent. It’s easy to be a friend. Most of the time that is all that people need. For you to be a friend. We can’t change the past, but we can create a different future. I find that it’s when tragedy strikes people fill themselves full of regret. I wish I did this, or that sometimes both. These words are repeated continuously and without failure do nothing for anyone.
It’s time to crawl out of your comfy abyss and make things you always wanted to do to happen. Life can be short or a long journey. A short life is the life that a person lives, without doing anything, one that gives no fulfillment.  The long journey on the other hand is the one where you go out, and be the best that you can be. You become who you want to be. You travel or you cook. You might own a business you love. The point is the long journey is the one that leads you to happiness the one that shows you your path.
I apologize for not writing, not so much to you my readers but mostly to me because, writing on this blog gave me a sense of purpose, im not saying that this is what I want to do for the rest of my life but, for now it keeps me writing. It keeps me closer to people who see the world of books just a little bit more like I do. I love the writing community, to me they are amazing, their creativity takes them along every path, and every turn. To me that is what I call a long journey. 

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