Thursday, February 9, 2017

Rot & Ruin By Jonathan Maberry

Summary By Goodreads:
In the zombie-infested, post-apocalyptic America where Benny Imura lives, every teenager must find a job by the time they turn fifteen or get their rations cut in half. Benny doesn't want to apprentice as a zombie hunter with his boring older brother Tom, but he has no choice. He expects a tedious job whacking zoms for cash, but what he gets is a vocation that will teach him what it means to be human.

My Thoughts:
I am all for zombies, walkers and vampires! This book was actually OK especially because I don't typically read zombie books, watch the TV shows? HELL YES! Who else loves the walking dead?
OK immaterial I get it back to the book now. The world building was not as detailed but the characters where awesome! It had an interesting plot, the only problem was that there wasn't enough twists, it was predictable in a lot of ways. Overall its in an okay book for someone who doesn't pay ALLOT of attention to the world building and predictability. 

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