So for Monday Share Day I share with you this poem.
A face cold as stone,
diamond eyes that look all alone
hair dark like a moonless night
hands that shake with fright.
Clothes maroon from blood
boots covered in mud.
What could this man have done?
What ever it was he has yet to find he has not won
A war with a demon
A war no one has won
A war we hide
A war we all must fight

A face cold as stone
Diamond eyes that look all alone
hair dark like a moonless night
hands that shake with fright
A plead escapes his lips
deep and sweet
a plead one cannot refuse to a man
who fought a war
A war with a demon
A war no one has won
A war we hide
A war we all must fight
A face cold as stone
Diamond eyes that look all alone
hair dark like as moonless night
hands that shake with fright
Till deaths shadow hides his face
his breathing changes its pace
from once steady
to a labored breath that is heavy
A face that's no longer stone
Diamond eyes that no longer look all alone
hair dark like a moonless night
hands that no longer shake in fright
death's shadow has gone
and taken with him
this poor mans soul.